Feelin' the pressure, Boobs?
Reminds me of those old Reebok Pumps!So...yeah.
I'm slack.
Well....this time it isn't so much slack that has me behind, but tooooo much going on-no time and no 'net or cable for a week sorta put a crimp in the regular updates attempt.
Anywho we're here now.
Boobs is lessssss than pleased with Jocko after losing ANOTHER HOH. Here's my take on the HOH and POV competitions. The producers ultimately manipulate and control the show, and they're going to do what they seem to think is best for the show/ratings...they have geared certain competitions so that certain folks have a better chance at winning or losing. Hence the long endurance stuff that will knock out the big strong guys in a hurry etc. While the decisions made in the house may not be made directly by the producers, the outcomes of many things are most certainly 'influenced'. Like this weeks HOH...Jocko reallllly needed that win, because as they predicted they were pretty much instantly condemned to go up on the block.
I can't see any way this god awful Alliance/Showmance can continue. Even if Jocko wins POV(and I'll bet money he won't this time)and saves Boobs he's still gonna get canned....unless somehow there is a secret inclusion of him into the Brodeo that we don't know about yet.
If Boobs wins POV(again-I will bet money here that she won't)with the way they've been fighting and the shit she's been talking about Jocko I would imagine she'd use it on herself.
Cop? Whiney? I think the smart move would be to put up a well liked Brodeo member and force Boobs...or Jocko if it's reversed out.
Wannabe Surfer Boy has been laying pretty low, he has no real reason to make any moves at this time, he's pretty secure. But he...and the rest of the Brodeo need to keep an eye on PityParty...he's out for his own. He'll use the safety in numbers while he can...but clearly he has his own agenda.
Bubba....is Bubba. He seems to be playing nice and getting along with most of the HG's but...then again I can't tell if it's because he's a bit.....slow or he's just a good 'ol boy.
PityParty....Pandora's box....I mean...we knew he was going to open it up, right? He basically has control over who stays and who goes for the next two weeks now and he's safe...effectively saving the Brodeo with him....although like I've said before he's out for himself-as demonstrated by not telling his other allies that he has the Diamond POV.
Speaking of Pandora's Box....Brokeback. BROKEBACK IS THE SABOTEUR!?! That's like giving Richard Simmonds a Karaoke machine and some meth with a side of blow. I wonder what 'America' will have him do for his first task.
Cop jumping off and making a deal with herself to be the have not? Meh...I think she's a little nuts.
Whiney is growing on me more and more...except how two-faced she is. I think either her or possibly Cop will walk away with POV later this week. If they play it? Who knows. Whiney *MIGHT* think about saving Boobs but I doubt it.
So my predictions for the week:
Boobs will go home
Cop or Whiney will win POV
that's all I got for ya for now folks.
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